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Debug like information in Jade Unit Test exceptions

When there is an exception while running a unit test you can double click on the line to find where the unhandled exception was located. Unfortunately it highlights the entire line that failed and there is no further information available.

My current real life example is that I received an UE1090 on a line that has a couple of possible culprits. simplified example: getRootObject().getAccount().getLastTransaction()

Is it possible when double clicking an exception in the Unit Test Runner that it shows something similar to process.debug? At the least is it possible to remember the code position opposed to the line?

Example of current issue attached.
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  • May 1 2019
  • Closed
Ty Baen-Price 6/12/2017 1:16:17 PM
That's a good point.

James Burnby 24/11/2017 7:31:12 AM
Thanks Ty, I didn't think to look under the File menu.

Ty Baen-Price 23/11/2017 9:31:28 AM
Under the File menu on the Test Runner form, you'll find an option called "Debug on Exception", which will do what you've asked. In the 2016 Service Pack, there will also be a "Debug on Unexpected Exception" option. You can always run the unit test under the debugger with Shift+F9 (just like a JadeScript or Workspace), as well.
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