The JADE 2022 release meets tomorrow’s business demands.
What I would like to see is the F4 class browser search able to find classes that are in other schemas. I'm not too sure exactly how it would work maybe if the search finds no results it starts to display results in other schemas? I just think it would speed things up because we know what class we need to look at but need to navigate to the particular schema first before we can search for it. So we have to know the schema also
Another way this could work is if you had a schema combobox where it would default to the current schema in when you executed the browse classes (F4) - but you could easily change it to a known schema if you wanted to. This would be a time saver rather than going to schema browser first finding your schema and then doing an F4 once you have opened a class browser.
Basically being able to select the schema you want to browse classes on would be a simple way to do this.
That last comment was not totally correct I see it only works for the current schema and super schemas, the other way it could be implemented is a checkbox next to the "Find" that says something like "Include all Schemas"
In the "Find Possible Transient Create Leaks" there is already a combo where all Classes are listed. If we could just have this added into the Class browser search that would be perfect!