The JADE 2022 release meets tomorrow’s business demands.
Currently Jade .net Exposures require rap to work.
All of our Jade systems systems run in single user mode.
We have had projects where using a .net exposure would have been faster and simpler than the solutions we delivered.
Can you make a .Net dll and call it from a JADE app?
Ty, it is misleading to say a .Net app that uses a JoobContext is an app server, as thin clients cannot connect to it. It is a JADE node, like an appserver is a node, the rap is a node and other fat clients are nodes. The term "app server" refers to the node that services thin clients.
So, when you start up jadapp as server=SingleUser, you're saying that that's the only app server that will use that database. A .Net app that uses a JoobContext is an app server.
What aspects of the .Net Exposure feature do you want to make use of? The class definitions?-- but not have them be connected to real JADE objects the way they are, so, like webservice proxy objects then?
A little more info in this is required, please.