JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Improve the usability of the "Find control" dialog in Jade Painter

The current "Find control" dialog in painter is a single combo box with a style that requires you to quickly type the name of the control, including any control name prefix, to navigate to that control.

It would be nice if it could be changed into a textbox and a listbox and behave in the similar way to the Ctrl+6 shortcut in the IDE. That is, as you type characters into the text box, it filters the list of controls in the listbox to only those which contain that text somewhere in the controls name.

Up/down arrows should move the selection in the list box even if focus is still in the textbox.

Pressing enter would close the find dialog and select the control which was currently selected in the listbox on the find dialog.

  • BeeJay
  • Aug 24 2020
  • Shipped (2020)
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