JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Application/Database Server Container

While it's possible to craft your own, it'd be useful if an 'application database server' container image were provided/maintained along with the others. By 'application database server', I mean an application server running in single/local user mode, when there's no need to run a separate database server.

This'd be useful for development purposes, where developers could use an image setup like this to quickly spin up/use a fresh development environment as a new workspace.

For the containers in general, it'd be preferable if folders were located under C:\Jade\ rather than C:\ directly. Reason being, there's code in existing systems which derive the environment name from the bin or system path, which'd either exception or end up with 'C:'

  • Kevin Saul
  • Jun 2 2021
  • Ready for Release
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Hugh McColl commented
    22 Jun, 2021 09:40pm

    A new application database server image: jade/application-database-server:20.0.01-x64-A has now been published to registry.jadeworld.io. This image contains the _*.bin files required to run an app server with a local database.

    The JADE home (installation) directory in containers has now been changed from c:\ to c:\jade as requested. The bind mounts used in the Erewhon examples on the public repo: have been updated to reflect the change.

    The container entrypoint is defined as:
    ENTRYPOINT c:/jade/bin/jadappb.exe ini=c:/jade/system.ini, path=c:/jade/system, jadelog.logfile=app_server, jadelog.logdirectory=c:/jade/logs server=localServer