The JADE 2022 release meets tomorrow’s business demands.
In Jade2020 there was an option added to hide certain types of messages. I'm not sure why the design was done to ask every time you got this message box popping up. This idea is to just have this functionality from the preferences section 'Message Box Suppression' - you can go in once set it up and that should be all you need to do. I don't know why but I find that check box really distracting. I tried the message box suppression on the find 'F3' but realised I do actually like this message box because I need to know it has finished searching and I haven't just hit the wrong key.
@Kevin - If you're referring to the class number message when doing schema loads, you can avoid that message when using Jade Loader Utility be selecting the Suppress Warning Dialogs option as per the orange rectangle in the attached screen shot. Unfortunately there's no equivalent on the Advanced options if using the JADE IDE to load the schemas.
The previous idea did propose the use of a check box, which we're happy with - but I don't think the main message box we wanted to get rid of has been sorted (regarding class numbers allocation).