JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Jade RPS mapping to support Microsoft Change data capture (CDC) enabled tables.

If Jade RPS mapping could include details of enabled SQL CDC tables, then additional actions/tests could be completed at different stages during deploys and data pump restarts.


When a SQL table is dropped by jade, and the SQL table is CDC enabled, the corresponding CDC system table is also dropped automatically.

Restarting the data pump without reenabling CDC on the newly created table would create issues in the consuming service / application.

If the data-pump application had access to a list of pre-defined tables that were CDC enabled then these could be checked on initialisation and error, or enabled them automatically.

  • Phil Camp
  • Oct 11 2022
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Phil Camp commented
    12 Mar, 2024 09:38pm
    -- Check if CDC is enabled for a specific table
    DECLARE @IsCDCEnabled BIT;
    SELECT @IsCDCEnabled = is_tracked_by_cdc
    FROM sys.tables
    WHERE name = 'YourTableName';

    IF @IsCDCEnabled = 1
    -- CDC is enabled for the table
    PRINT 'CDC is enabled for the table.';
    -- Add your additional logic here
    -- CDC is not enabled for the table
    PRINT 'CDC is not enabled for the table.';
    -- Add your alternative logic here
  • Phil Camp commented
    12 Mar, 2024 09:38pm

    could we introduce conditional alter script options.

    • Don't readd Primary keys on Jade dropped tables.

    • If Table is CDC enabled.

  • Phil Camp commented
    12 Mar, 2024 09:33pm

    Any reason why we need to reapply the Primary Key. Could this be optional?

  • Phil Camp commented
    12 Mar, 2024 09:31pm

    When creating the new table "Customer_Account_Detail" we get the following message.

    The unique index 'PK_Customer_Account_Detail' on table '[dbo].[Jade_Dropped_15February2024@125201_Customer_Account_Detail]' is used by Change Data Capture.

  • Phil Camp commented
    12 Mar, 2024 09:30pm

    update - If jade renames a table as part of the RPS mapping changes as a backup.

    IE 'Jade_Dropped_15February2024@125201_Customer_Account_Detail'.

    Jade also drops and reapplies any Primary keys on the backup table.