The JADE 2022 release meets tomorrow’s business demands.
We are starting to get more of our clients wanting to have SSO & MFA implemented for our JADE thin client based applications. It would be great if JADE provided some out-of-the-box facilities or tools to help developers with implementing this in our JADE thin client based applications, rather than us all looking at developing our own wrappers or 3rd party solutions to meet this requirement.
Our SSO component for Jade Thin Client is available for download from our downloads site.
The JadeSoftware.Identity.Client.Desktop component is a .NET assembly that can be imported into a Jade application to provide SSO authentication. The component makes use of the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to provide the required functionality. The MSAL makes use of various .NET constructs such as asynchronous method calls that cannot be called directly in Jade. The JadeSoftware.Identity.Client.Desktop library is simply a wrapper with Jade callable methods that can readily integrate into the standard Jade Platform security extension points.
Ironically this week I've had to do a security dll like this. It wasn't easy as easy other DB engines, plus C/C++ isn't a common place for a Jade developer.
I had already voted for this but was reminded about this idea with diassapointment when it is moved into the sock pile, "future consideration".