The JADE 2022 release meets tomorrow’s business demands.
Ty Baen-Price 28/08/2018 11:47:24 AM
This is already implemented in 2018. Brian Johnstone 15/08/2018 1:10:51 PM What would be good would be both. I originally had the suggestion for improving the F4 find type, but the advantage the Ctrl+6/7 options currently have is that they're not application modal like the F4 find type dialog. I'll update the suggestion shortly to request they also consider improving the F4 find type dialog so it does partial matches on class names as well. Kevin Saul 15/08/2018 10:23:31 AM Wouldn't it be better to improve the existing Find Type dialog to provide this behaviour? This would provide a better transition than making everyone remember another keyboard shortcut. |