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"Find Unused Local Variables and Parameters" report could do with more options

When using the 'Find Unused Local Variables and Parameters' option from the schema browser unused parameters from a superclass method that are used in subclass reimplementation of the method are included in the search.


Whilst this is expected behaviour, as these superclass method parameters are indeed unused, it makes this feature not very useful if you have a database structure that relies on 'blank' implementations of superclass methods which are then properly defined in the subclasses, as the search will find these 'intended' unused variables along with the perhaps unintended unused variables you are really looking for.


It would be great if the report would provide a couple of new options eg:

1) "Ignore Inherited Methods"

2) "Ignore those method lines marked with {ExcludeFromUnusedParameterReport]" ie some text similar to the [ExcludeFromTransientLeakReport] of leaking transient report.

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  • Feb 4 2020
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