JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Jade schema loader, have "ignore" option

It would be nice get an option to ignore "ignorable" errors during schema load. For example, if a certain field is missing due to full class load or class/field not found for RPS load. It would be nice to get an option to continue with the load. Currently, if the load files, we need fix error manually and reload the .scm/.ddbx file all over again. With large files, this becomes very annoying. If certain fields are missing, the compiler will catch them so it would be nice to able to ignore fields/class missing in load.
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  • May 1 2019
  • IDE Backlog
Ty Baen-Price 28/12/2018 9:26:23 AM
Let me restate the problem to see if I understand it: You have two separate units of work (A & B) which both require changes to an RPS mapping. You want to deploy one unit of work (A), but the deployed RPS mapping contains both units of work (A & B). This causes errors loading the ddb, which has references to (B), because the matching scm file does not contain (B), which you've somehow removed from the scm file. So, a couple of points: 1. It is not valid to load a ddb file which does not match either the already existing schema definition in the system, or an scm file loaded alongside it. It sounds to me like the errors are correct and are due to invalid operational procedure. 2. A better place to address your issue is either in the deployment preparation or development stages. Until the Source Control feature is complete, it sounds like the Patch Versioning feature would support your processes. Patch Versioning will capture changes to RPS mappings (as well as structure and code), and you can selectively extract changes that belong to a specific patch (you can have JADE extract unit of work A only). You may then find this kind of deployment easier.

Delta360 24/11/2018 3:38:33 AM
We have two developers working on the same class in same dev environment. We only want to release the one developer's change, but the system brings in the RPS changes from the other developer change and requires to add to the missing field before the rps load will continue.

Ty Baen-Price 22/11/2018 10:06:13 AM
I can't think of a situation where it's valid to load in a ddb that doesn't match the schema as it exists in the system (if you aren't loading an scm file), or that doesn't match the scm file you're loading in. Can you describe your operational procedure to me?
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