The JADE 2022 release meets tomorrow’s business demands.
We have encountered problems when parsing a JSON file where the property names clash with JADE reserved names (eg. "edition" or "system"). Would it be possible to have add a standard modifier on a reserved name (e.g. edition_ ) and still allow the JSON file to be parsed correctly?
This functionality is also available for REST services. Just set the parameter type of your REST method to a JadeJsonObject. You can find more information about using the feature in REST in Chapter 11 of the developers reference on building web services:'s%2520Reference%257CChapter%252011%25C2%25A0%25C2%25A0%25C2%25A0%25C2%25A0Building%2520Web%2520Service%2520Applications%257C_____0
Our recommended approach for any situation where incoming JSON data can't be directly transformed to a JADE object is to use the new Dynamic Parsing feature introduced in JADE 2022 SP3:
This feature allows you to ingest any valid JSON without restrictions as a temporary navigable and modifiable data structure within JADE. You are then free to clean or modify the data as you wish and transform it into a JADE object for permanent storage.
This would be a problem with a JSON string from an external source that is not aware of Jade reserved words.