JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Declare Local Variable Improvement

Edit - Refactor - Declare Local Variable is awesome.

Some possible enhancements, if it is a Decimal - make the variable Decimal [23,6], at the moment it declares it as Decimal and you have to go and add the [23,6], it it defaulted to that and you only had to change when that wasn't correct, it would be handy.

Also if the variable is a Class name, then declare to that type, ie lDate would be made a Date, including any system specific classes, ie ICustomer would be Customer etc

  • Julian Meates
  • Apr 28 2024
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • BeeJay commented
    29 Apr, 2024 08:41am

    Interesting caching bug.... that comment was entered for a different JEDI ticket?!?

  • BeeJay commented
    29 Apr, 2024 08:40am

    Can you not save the transient object returned by dynaObject.JadeDynamicObject.getPropertyValues() into a suitable local variable, and then in your epilog delete the transient object?