JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Taskbar Icon 'decoration'for Jade GUI apps.

Many products have the ability to draw attention to themselves when they are in the background by changing the task bar icon in some manner. EG it's colour, blinking it, changing it to include a number.
Would like this ability for Jade applications so we don't have to pop up a modal window and annoy the user working on something else.
An alternative, or addition, is notifications such as the slide out ones that eg Outlook does for a new emails.
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Southland Building Society 22/03/2018 3:58:01 PM
Here's some notes I made from doing that a few years back:
The following windows api may be used to flash a windows task bar button.

(As a JADE external function)

flashWindow(_hwnd : Integer;
_invert : Boolean) is FlashWindow in user32;


In Jade:
To create:
go to a high level schema
find user32 and add another, called flashWindow (or sim) and entryPoint is FlashWindow

To use:
call flashWindow(self.hwnd,true);

Ty Baen-Price 22/02/2018 3:35:38 PM
The current policy would generally preclude integrating [OS level] features into any release of JADE where [OS level] was not the minimum supported level.

FileVision UK Ltd 22/02/2018 4:04:36 AM
Perhaps integration with the Windows 10 Toast Notifications/Action Center? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/shell/tiles-and-notifications/send-local-toast

Brian Johnstone 21/02/2018 3:22:59 PM
Nice suggestion. We'd definitely use this in our Jade thin client applications as well.
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