JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Improvement when using Shift+F11 on an Interface method

If you're using Shift+F11 to navigate through a series of methods, if you reach a method defined on an Interface there is no quick way to get a list of the class/method which implements that interface. It would be nice if either of the following could happen, option a) being my preference:

a) Have all the methods which implement this Interface method included in the list when you use Shift+F11 to 'navigate into' an interface method, as happens when there are multiple subclass implementations of the method which could apply for the current method context.
b) Add the 'Method Implemented By' option to the 'Method' menu, as is the case when you're viewing that method on the Interface Browser.
  • BeeJay
  • May 1 2019
  • Shipped (2020)
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