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Zoom in Painter

Some ability to Zoom in when working in Painter. Sometimes working with Lines it is hard to select the specific element that you want to manipulate.

  • Julian Meates
  • May 4 2020
  • Future consideration: 2022
  • Attach files
  • BeeJay commented
    7 May, 2020 03:31am

    Nice idea - there's been quite a few times in the past I would have found zoom in the Jade Painter very useful.

    Possibly helpful tip: For selecting of 1 pixel tall/wide controls being used to create separator lines, if they're not themselves parented by another control I now use mouse down and drag to select them as that's easier than trying to get the mouse positioned with pixel perfect precision. This doesn't help quite as much if they're on a parent control such as a sheet/frame/groupbox/etc, although I sometimes do the drag select from outside the parent and then deselect the parent afterwards, but for those controls directly on a form it's definitely a much easier way to select them.
