JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Disallow Form class deletion via the IDE

Currently it is possible to delete a Form class via the IDE which is less than ideal and can cause database inconsistency ( eg. 3039 errors ).

Ideally, a form class should only be able to be deleted within Jade Painter and deleting the class via the IDE should return an error message.

  • Guest
  • Jan 19 2023
  • Closed
  • Attach files
  • Ty Baen-Price commented
    24 Jan, 2023 01:11am

    This sounds like a bug we should investigate... Can you open a contact in Parsys?

  • BeeJay commented
    19 Jan, 2023 07:23pm

    I actually find it ideal that I don't have to use painter to delete obsolete form classes. I've always deleted them via the class browser, and I've never encountered any database inconsistency when using the class browser to delete form classes. Perhaps there were other issues within your system prior to the form delete which caused the 3039 issue to present in your system?

    I would vote down this idea if that was an option, starting the Jade Painter is an unnecessary extra step which would be required to delete form classes when they become obsolete, and the class browser find class dialog is a much nicer way to select the class for deletion than the Jade Painter's delete class dialog.
