JADE Environment Development Ideas

What's new in the upcoming JADE release?


The JADE 2022 release meets tomorrow’s business demands.

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Toggle ungrouping by ‘superschema’

In the IDE the top-middle displays lists of properties/constants/attribs etc and top-right the methods/events, (lets call the lines in these lists items). These items have the current schema items visible by default.

When working with a class that is a few parents deep, the parent/base classes' items are not easily visible.

1. Add the ability to ‘show all parent class items’ as a default.

2. Ability to ungroup items by schema – so now the items are sorted alpha.

3. An option to add the schema name to the right of the item when not belonging to the current schema.

4. Option to hide empty events.

5. Add the option so the ‘Source’ tab can instead show the fully-qualified class name – or even better use tags to show properties from the other (class/property) tabs and build our own heading.

These options don't have to be buried within the 'Preferences', there is a fair bit of horizontal space available that could be used for drop-downs to hot-swap filters.

If any of the suggestions above are already available in 2022 please point me in the right direction.

  • Guest
  • Aug 13 2024
  • Needs review
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