JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit JAD-I-97 REST api consumer.

Support Rest Service as a consumer Merged

Recentlty we attempted to comsume a Rest Web Service to send files to Azure. See https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/ptsblog/2017/05/02/how-to-upload-a-blob-to-azure-storage-by-rest-api/ of the api we were trying to consume.
We were unable to achieve this using the JadeHttpConnection class as it does not support the PUT and DELETE verbs.
We had to work around this by developing a .net dll that we could then call from Jade.

The original benefit of Jade was to enable system development using a single skill set.
Implementing this feature would help in reducing cost and complexity of systems.
  • Guest
  • May 1 2019
  • Shipped (2020)
Mike Day 28/03/2019 4:56:26 PM
Great idea. We also had to create a rest consumer using .net and import back into Jade.

Julie Harliwich 15/03/2019 10:30:25 AM
Great idea, we had to build our own.
The Rest consumer should also handle stringUtf8 (see idea 278)
  • Glen Downton commented
    3 May, 2019 01:17am

    I agree too. We had to abandon JadeHttpConnection and build our own wrapper class around ActiveX. JadeHttpConnection seems to have been abandoned, it also (that we could see) doesn't cleanly support custom headers, making it difficult for us to access our own APIs living in AWS.

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