The JADE 2022 release meets tomorrow’s business demands.
It is fairly standard in other platforms that implement Swagger / OpenAPI to provide a "Swagger UI" endpoint that is automatically generated as part of the API. The Swagger UI endpoint generates a fully interactive user interface from the OpenAPI specification of the Web Service that interacts with the running API.
For example, a web browser page is generated that allows the user to enter requests and view the contents of replies from the API in a forms layout.
It also allows interactive viewing of the API specification, headers, URL request formats, etc.
All of our in-house web APIs have the Swagger UI available for interactive use, documentation and exercising of the APIs. It is an expectation these days. Currently we are running our APIs to the Jade system via an external ASP .NET application that has OpenAPI/Swagger incorporated. It would be good if we could get that same level of functionality from Jade's Web APIs.
2020 SP1 allows generating a OpenApi spec file.
That can then be loaded into the web editor