JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Provide cancel/abort/terminate of operation in IDE multiple file load

It is not possible to cancel or abort or terminate an IDE multiple file load operation. Each load has to be cancelled separately. A cancel/abort/terminate option would be nice.

  • Gerard O'Brien
  • Jul 8 2019
  • IDE Backlog
  • Attach files
  • Martin Jagers commented
    10 Oct, 2019 10:31pm

    Totally agree. When loading multiple files the option to cancel all remaining loads would be ideal. No, any schemas loaded to-date should be left loaded.

  • Gerard O'Brien commented
    18 Jul, 2019 07:43pm

    No, we don't believe that's necessary. The situation as it was described to me was that one of the files being loaded encountered an error, and it was then necessary to cancel each following file load. The preference would have been to have the option of terminating the operation.

  • Ashley Bass commented
    18 Jul, 2019 02:11am

    Do you also want the cancel to roll back to the beginning of the load?