JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Batch way to do the equivalent of the IDE 'Extract' from the RPS browser

In the IDE when viewing the RPS browser you can select a particular RPS mapping and extract that mapping to file from the context menu.  This is useful when you want to ship a fix that involves structural changes to a client, and those structural changes also affect the RPS mapping, without having to send a full schema extract to get the RPS mapping included.  Our extracts are automated via batch file commands, to perform the schema extracts using UNL files to specify what should be extracted.  It would be useful if we were able to extend our batch file to also generate an extract of all affected RPS mappings, so we don't have to remember to do a manual extract via the Jade IDE.

  • BeeJay
  • Dec 5 2019
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
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    • BeeJay commented
      December 05, 2019 19:52

      Another possibility would be an option on the JadeBatchExtract when doing a UNL file based extract if there are any Class XXXXX definitions in that UNL file for a class which is in an RPS mapping to automatically include the RPS mapping(s) in the extract files. This of course assumes that the RPS mapping(s) is/are in that same schema.

    • BeeJay commented
      December 05, 2019 18:31
      1. What's wrong with a full schema extract?
        Overkill for a patch that only involves a few methods.
        Would make the download too large to be comfortable for some of our sites with poor/flakey internet connectivity.
        Gives the impression that there are a lot of changes in the release, not just a small fix, which will therefore require more testing.
        Takes quite a lot longer to load than an extract containing only a few methods.

      2. Does the JadeBatchExtract app not do it?
        Not that I was able to find, that's what we already use to create the rest of the patch extract.

      We are now doing full extracts as part of our release process, so we can rebuild our full upgrade release installer with all the latest HotFixes for that release.  I'll look at using the 'ddbx' file which is created by that process to see if including that in our process is sufficient for the requirements of RPS.  I'm assuming all that 'ddbx' file contains is the same information as one gets from an RPS extract in the IDE.

    • Ty Baen-Price commented
      December 05, 2019 02:56

      1. What's wrong with a full schema extract?

      2. Does the JadeBatchExtract app not do it?