The JADE 2022 release meets tomorrow’s business demands.
I'm sure this has been raised before but I couldn't find the JEDI.
In Jade I have finally got used to being able to have multiple screens with Class browsers. (Right click tab->Float, Shift+Windows+Left or Right, Windows + Up to maximise.)
Great step in the right direction. Unfortunately it is still a little bit clunky. Anything else that you do will go back to the original screen (references, quick browse, painter, etc etc)
I know the work around for some is to login twice but that either chews up licenses or requires multiple user accounts.
Is it possible to have an option of multiple Jade IDE Parents per screen? MMDI? I don't see this always required, depending on the type of work being performed. Perhaps add/remove by a toolbar icon?
I'm glad this has come up again.