JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Allow DiskCache to be specified in GB

Please implement an ini file option perhaps called DiskCacheSizeLimit where the maximum size of DiskCache could be declared. The values provided would be the same as with ObjectCacheSizeLimit, eg DiskCacheSizeLimit=8G. Having to declare it in segments makes it unnecessarily hard to figure out what to set it to, as the user usually has a GB target in mind.

This would simply set the value of DiskCacheMaxSegments to be as close as possible to 8G.

Perhaps there could be a companion setting that would similarly compute DiskCacheMinSegments.

  • John Porter
  • Apr 13 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Ty Baen-Price commented
    13 Apr, 2021 03:11am

    Yes yes yes yes yes