JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Coloured "access" icons

I once worked with a company that would have people come in and view websites with a camera fixed on their eyes. One of the minor findings was that categorising items by colour made the end-user respond faster.

Can we please have colours back in the icons for the access types. Perhaps make it optional in case some people want to be trendy for the sacrifice of efficiency.

As per the comments could the toolbar also have some colour back and can the icons shapes be revisited? e.g. Extract/Load
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  • May 1 2019
  • Shipped (2020)
James Burnby 14/03/2019 10:01:00 AM
To be fair to Jade I do recall an era where websites and programs had flat and colourless icons. So I guess they were following that trend? Unfortunately the flat era is still here and I'm too square(cube?) to get used to it.

Sam Stokell 12/03/2019 11:17:45 PM
Yes, this is a huge step backwards. Was the reason for this change to attract new developers to take up this language? If so I doubt removing handy colours that the majority of us like is going to make any difference at all

Blake De?Ath 12/03/2019 9:48:18 AM
Methods in error used to pop out immediately (big scary red cross). Now that the colour has gone, these methods blend in with the rest of the methods.

FileVision UK Ltd 12/03/2019 6:39:25 AM
I can never remember which of box-arrow-down and box-arrow-up is extract and which one is load. I never had that problem when it was floppy-disk-arrow because it was either "to disk" or "from disk"

James Burnby 11/03/2019 9:23:57 AM
Thanks, edited the idea to include the toolbar.

Brian Johnstone 8/03/2019 11:45:07 AM
I note that Microsoft have also reinstated more use of colour in later versions of VS after a brief period of little/no colour on their tool bar icons etc. I think some targeted use of colour being put back on the toolbar buttons would also be more productive.
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    • Iryna Melnyk commented
      August 31, 2020 03:58

      Thanks for the feedback so far, keep it coming!

      Here's a preview of the access icons.

    • Kevin Saul commented
      August 27, 2020 02:34

      Yes, looking good, especially with how they're tailored to dark/light themes.

      The new/open workspace icons could be toned down - Perhaps just colourise the unique part of icon (plus & arrow), rather than the bulk of icon, like the extract & load icons, but perhaps these are examples where we don't necessarily need that much colour to be brought back (like Craig's mentioned, need to avoid a candy store look).

      Changes of this nature will benefit us most when trying to distinguish different access types (read-only, protected, public, etc), and whether or not a method is in error/uncompiled - It'd be good if we could get a preview of those icons.

    • Craig Shearer commented
      August 27, 2020 01:52

      Looking good - certainly will be good to have colour back again.

      My preference would be for the more muted colours so the IDE doesn't look like a candy store! :)

    • Iryna Melnyk commented
      August 27, 2020 01:08

      While our team is working on getting the new icons into JADE 2020, here's a sneak peek of the new look – let us know what you think.

      Please note this is still work in progress so the final look is subject to change :)

    • Martin Jagers commented
      August 14, 2019 21:50

      I found it to be quite a shock when first confronted with the new icons in the IDE.  Over time I have become more used to them but would still prefer the icons and colour used in pre JADE 2016 releases.

    • Guest commented
      May 03, 2019 05:10

      Colour adds info which, despite people's best efforts, gets lost in monochrome as this snooker commentator's gem illustrates: "and for those of you who are watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green."

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