JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Allow for the addition of control position information in the Painter Control Hierarchy Dialog view

The Painter Control Hierarchy dialog is quite useful when manipulating form layouts, especially print forms.

It would be helpful if the control position information was also shown, perhaps optionally, as a tuple (Top, Left, Height, Width).

Also, the child controls are currently sorted by name. It would be very helpful to be able to have them sorted by Top and within that by Left. The displayed hierarchy would then have a visual association with the form layout.

  • Gerard O'Brien
  • Aug 24 2020
  • Ready for Release
  • Attach files
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    • BeeJay commented
      August 24, 2020 22:34

      Nice ideas Gerard. While they're working on this it would be nice if they could also add the following additional improvements:

      • Add option to expand the entire tree from a given 'parent' entry, as per other parts of Jade, via either a double click on that 'parent' entry or pressing the * key on the numeric keypad.

      • Support the 'standard' right arrow to expand a tree one level

      • Support the 'standard' left arrow to contract a tree or select the parent of current tree if it's already contracted.

      • Don't move focus away from the hierarchy dialog when selecting a control. This makes it difficult to use the keyboard to move up/down to a desired entry in the list.

      • Add a 'search box' or similar at the top of the form so you can type a partial control name to find that control in the hierarchy list more easily.