JADE Environment Development Ideas

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Support for 3rd party diff tools.

It would be great to be able to use an alternative tool when comparing method history. The current native compare does a basic enough job, but third-party tools offer far more features, configuration and options e.g winmerge, beyondcompare, meld.
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  • May 1 2019
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Paul Daigneault 14/11/2017 5:21:10 AM
Similar to other ide's the config settings would allow a user to specific an exe with argument placeholder values for the left, right and combined file names, When performing a compare, JADE could check if a third party option has been configured and if so create temporary files and execute the exe. On shutdown of the exe JADE could check for the presence of a merge file and if one is found load it into the current method source. e.g Win merge command lines arguments http://manual.winmerge.org/Command_line.html

Ty Baen-Price 13/11/2017 8:21:38 AM
Can you please give a brief overview of how you envision the workflow?
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